Monday, October 17, 2016

Has Illegal Immigration caused the need of Immigration Reform?

In this viewpoint based on experimental research, Merino attempts to show that illegal immigrants create a threat to the safety of the nation and that they drain resources. The author discusses the cost of criminal aliens and the states that contain the largest number of criminal aliens. Furthermore, she proposes four reforms in order to create solutions for the problems that she addresses.

Merino uses many statistics when describing the cost of criminal aliens and also when discussing the states with the most criminal aliens. The author shows that the states with the largest number of illegal immigrants are the same states that have the highest federal prison system cost. Additionally, she mentions the number of illegal immigrants that are in the United States and relates that number to the number of illegal immigrants who are in jail. As a whole, Merino’s report is descriptive, factual, and well-researched.
                                        Image result for illegal immigration
As an author and editor, Noel Merino is aware that the most common and effective way of convincing an audience is through the use of logos, which is the appeal to logic. She uses statistics throughout the majority of her report which makes her argument seem very convincing and trustworthy. It is especially trustworthy because Merino uses statistics that have been collected by state records. I agree with this argument because based off of the author’s evidence, it does seem like the cost of caring for illegal immigrants is getting increasingly higher because the number of illegal immigrants is increasing.

In this article based on Erwin Chemerinsky and Sam Kleiner’s research, they attempt to showthat past Presidents and the current President have taken executive action in order to limit or stop deportation on the basis of humanitarian reasons. One of the abilities of a President is to decide whether or not the Department of Justice should enforce a certain law. The authors also show that presidents of both parties have adjusted the immigration policy to favor their own goals.

                                Image result for illegal immigration 

Chemerinsky and Kleiner relate key points throughout their article, such as the discussion of prosecutorial discretion where they indicate that prosecutorial discretion is higher with immigration because the treatment of foreign citizens very much impacts the nation’s foreign affairs. They also show how deportation can affect humanitarian grounds as well as the prosecutorial discretion.

This article uses all three audience appeals. An example of emotional appeal would be when  Chemerinsky and Kleiner mention that human suffering and hardship is brought on by the separation of families due to deportations. There are countless amounts of appeal to credibility within this report, such as the listing of former and current Presidents’ who tailored the immigration policy, along with how they did so (Chemerinsky, Kleiner). The appeal to logic is brought on by discussing the court cases to support the claims. Overall, was descriptive, well-researched, and informative which makes me agree with the arguments.

"Illegal Immigrants Pose a Safety Threat and Drain Resources." Illegal Immigration. Ed. Noël Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from "Criminal Aliens." 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

Chemerinsky, Erwin, and Sam Kleiner. "Obama Has the Law—and Reagan—on His Side on Immigration." New Republic (18 Nov. 2014). Rpt. in Immigration Reform. Ed. Noël Merino. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press, 2016. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 16 Oct. 2016.

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