Thursday, November 10, 2016

The Toulmin Argument

Many colleges and universities have instituted online education programs. These programs are the best way to accommodate the needs of students who learn at different paces. In order to meet the needs of students who work or are too busy to be able to come to class in person, colleges should provide a variety of online classes.

Image result for online courses
The online course I took was a Physical Education course. As someone who took this course after having a knee surgery several months prior to it, this was a perfect fit for my situation. I was able to work based off of my abilities as opposed to what a physical education teacher would be making everyone in the class do. For example, instead of meeting the exercise requirements by running which would have been strenuous on my knee, I was able to complete full body workouts and ab workouts. Taking the online class helped me work at a comfortable pace so that I could meet the requirements of the course and still get an effective workout from it. In order to work against the risk of procrastination, colleges ca offer more hybrid classes which require students to meet in class for half the semester and do online work for the other half. This also solves the issue of not getting direct feedback from the professor and not being able to conversate with peers. This is why online education is so valuable to students.

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