Sunday, September 18, 2016

Critical Response to a Visual Argument about the Effects of Violent Media on Children

A study which shows how television media can affect children features this image to give the reader an example of what is being discussed. This image enhances the results of the study and appeals to parents of young children. 

A visual posted on the site shows three young children, two of which are playing a violent game whereas the other one sits further away from them while holding onto a doll. The children that are playing the violent game are doing so right beside a television screen that shows a man holding a large gun. This visual makes a powerful statement about how children who watch violent media will often imitate what they see happening in these brutal movies and shows. 

The central image shows a young girl gripping onto a doll while turned around to watch the boys who are playing with toy guns and swords. Not only does she desire to act her age, but also feels the urge to participate in aggressive games with the boys. 

The background enhances the central image because behind the girl, one boy is jumping off of a couch with a toy sword in hand while the other boy is laying on the floor with a toy gun in each hand. Additionally, the television is turned on and shows an image of a man with a huge gun in his hand. This background supports the idea that children who watch violent media often imitate the action being shown and can in turn cause other children to gain an interest in watching this type of media. 

The goal of the organization that posted the visual seems to be to help the reader understand the effects of watching violent media and how it can impact children who watch it and also those who do not. This image would certainly be appealing to parents who allow their children to watch violent television shows and movies. This visual teaches a parent to supervise violent programming to reduce aggression beginning at a young age as well as suggest they make their children watch educational shows. 


  1. Hey, Sneha! I greatly enjoyed reading your blog post, and your ideas are very interesting. I agree with your comment that the image conveys the idea that children who watch violent media will often imitate what they see happening. What kids see on television, such as swords and guns, become an equivalent to legos and bicycles for them. You specifically pointed out the girl, and that she desires to feel her age but also participate in aggressive games. Sometimes, upon being exposed to such violence, kids may feel disturbed or insecure, and cause them to do abnormal things. I like the fact that you didn't leave any part of the image unanalyzed, and you were very clear in supporting your point. You also included the image in your blog post, which was very good. I feel that both of us are on the same page about how kids respond to violent media.

    1. It is also good that you broke up the post, and had a clear font and easy language. I recommend, next time, if you are not required to put a picture, add one because images appeal to the eye.
